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animal life 動物的生態。

There are twenty - one stops along this pleasant walk . a variety of interesting plant and animal life which occurs along this walk are highlighted to visitors . the concepts of “ sustainable forestry “ and “ biodiversity “ are also introduced 此徑設有二十一個解說點,以生物多樣化及持續林業發展為主題,內容豐富,而且利用思考、觀察及活動等多個互動模式,鼓勵游人從傳意牌獲取最直接而有趣的體驗,盡情放眼大自然。

Then god commanded , “ let the earth produce all kinds of animal life : domestic and wild , large and small “ - and it was done 然后上帝命令:讓大地生育各式各樣的生物,馴養的跟野生的,大的跟小的-這被完成了。

animal magnetism

Several climatic belts of the world are represented in the grand canyon region which supports such diverse plant life as the yucca of the dry desert to the blue spruce of the coniferous forest . animal life in the grand canyon is by no means scarce and includes about 89 mammal , 355 bird , 17 fish , 47 reptile and 9 amphibian species 大峽谷擁有不同的氣候特徵,由酷熱的沙漠氣候到熱帶亞熱帶甚至溫帶的氣候亦可在大峽谷找到,它并不是一個荒涼死寂的世界,不少動植物均生活于其中,計有89種哺乳動物355種鳥類17種魚類47種爬蟲類和9種兩棲類動物。

This trend away from dissection is largely driven by groups such as people for the ethical treatment of animals peta and the humane society of the united states , which encourage students to oppose the practice , arguing that animals used for dissection suffer during their capture , handling and killing , and that the practice thus devalues animal life 這種趨勢多是由保護動物團體所推動,譬如美國人道對待動物協會peta與美國人道協會humane society of the united states等團體。這些團體鼓勵學生反抗解剖,他們主張那些用于解剖的動物在被捕處理與宰殺過程中,將飽受折磨痛苦,他們并且補充說,該項學習會貶抑動物的生存價值。

She had borne , that morning , all that nature could endure ; and as her temperament was not of the order that escapes from too intense suffering by a swoon , her spirit could only shelter itself beneath a stony crust of insensibility , while the faculties of animal life remained entire 那天早晨,她忍受了人性所能承擔的一切由于她的氣質決定了她不會以昏厥來逃避過于強烈的苦難,她的精神只能躲藏在麻木的石質硬殼下,而令動物生命助機能依然無損。

These observations are generally consistent with our previous studies of pupils ' views about the use and conservation of rainforests , in which girls were shown to be more sympathetic to animals and expressed views which seem to place an intrinsic value on non - human animal life 這個觀察和我們之前對學生在雨林保護上的想法基本一致,在這個觀點上女孩對動物顯示出更多的同情心,她們的觀點對非人類動物生命似乎有一種固有的重視。

There are twenty - one stops along this pleasant walk . a variety of interesting plant and animal life which occurs along this walk are highlighted to visitors . the concepts of “ sustainable forestry “ and “ biodiversity “ are also introduced 此徑設有二十一個解說點,以生物多樣化及持續林業發展為主題,內容豐富,而且利用思考、觀察及活動等多個互動模式,鼓勵游人從傳意牌獲取最直接而有趣的體驗,盡情放眼大自然。

These unusual conditions make it necessary for the evolving animal life to remain in its marine nursery habitat for longer periods than on those planets which very early provide a hospitable land - and - atmosphere environment 這些不尋常的環境條件必然造成動物生存的進化停留在海里棲息地的托兒所的周期與那些非常早期的行星提供一個(氣候、環境)宜人的陸地-和-大氣環境相比較就比較久。

Learn more about our unique plants and animal life , visit wentworth falls and retrace the footsteps of charles darwin in 1836 an early australian explorer and imagine when you see this wilderness , how they ever found there way through it 藍山風景區是集游覽和知識教育于一體的旅游項目。導游將帶領游客游覽并講解景點,親眼目睹世界上稀有的植物動物,沿著查爾斯

At the edge of many lakes and rivers are saturated wetlands ? the swamps , bogs , and marshes ? that support myriad types of plant and animal life , prevent floods , retain sediments , and purify drinking water 在許多湖泊和河流的邊緣充滿了潮濕土壤,如沼澤、泥沼、濕地,它們維持著無數種類的植物和動物的生命,防止洪水、保留沉積物和凈化飲用水。

At the edge of many lakes and rivers are saturated wetlands ? the swamps , bogs , and marshes ? that support myriad types of plant and animal life , prevent floods , retain sediments , and purify drinking water 在很多湖泊和河流的邊緣不滿了很多濕地,沼澤,泥沼,濕地,這些濕地供養著多種植物和動物,防止洪水,留住沉積物,并凈化水源以供飲用。

At the edge of many lakes and rivers are saturated wetlands ? the swamps , bogs , and marshes ? that support myriad types of plant and animal life , prevent floods , retain sediments , and purify drinking water 在許多湖泊和河流的周圍是滲透的潮濕地帶- - -孕育無數類型的動植物的濕地和沼澤地帶,同時它們還可以阻止洪水、保留沉淀物、凈化飲用水。

But , according to wwf , tesso nilo is being heavily logged for timber and pulp by both small - scale illegal loggers and an international corporation , with devastating effects on both plant and animal life 可是據總會發現,現時無論是小規模的非法開采集團,或是國際大企業,均在tesso nilo大量開采木材,對當地的動植物造成嚴重影響。

At the edge of many lakes and rivers are saturated wetlands ? the swamps , bogs , and marshes ? that support myriad types of plant and animal life , prevent floods , retain sediments , and purify drinking water 湖泊和河流的邊緣是濕潤的沼澤地帶? ?沼澤,泥沼和濕地,它們支撐著無數種動植物的生命,防止洪水,保留沉積物,并且凈化飲用水。

At the edge of many lakes and rivers are saturated wetlands ? the swamps , bogs , and marshes ? that support myriad types of plant and animal life , prevent floods , retain sediments , and purify drinking water 一些湖泊和河流的邊緣都被潮濕的土地? ?濕地、沼澤滲透,為無數種類的植物和動物的生命提供養分,阻止洪水,保持水土,凈化飲水。

At the edge of many lakes and rivers are saturated wetlands ? the swamps , bogs , and marshes ? that support myriad types of plant and animal life , prevent floods , retain sediments , and purify drinking water 在許多湖泊河流的邊緣是深色的維持著無數品種動植物生存的濕地?森林沼澤,水澤和草澤,預防了洪水,留駐了沉淀,凈化了飲用水。

At the edge of many lakes and rivers are saturated wetlands ? the swamps , bogs , and marshes ? that support myriad types of plant and animal life , prevent floods , retain sediments , and purify drinking water 許多河流湖泊的邊緣都是潮濕的土壤? ?沼澤、泥沼和濕地? ?那里生長著各式各樣的動植物,是防洪、沉積物聚集和凈化飲用水的地方。

At the edge of many lakes and rivers are saturated wetlands ? the swamps , bogs , and marshes ? that support myriad types of plant and animal life , prevent floods , retain sediments , and purify drinking water 許多江河湖泊的岸邊都是飽含水的潮濕土壤? ?濕地,泥沼和沼澤? ?它養育了無數種植物和動物,預防洪水,保持水土,凈化飲用水。

Yet scientists have learned that this type of pollutant can accumulate through biomagnifications , contributing to the loss of plant and animal life and ultimately threatening the health of human beings 然而,科學家已經懂得這種類型的污染物可以通過生物放大作用積累起來,并掠奪植物和動物的生命,最終將威脅到人類的健康。